The Edelman family began their business in Richmond in 1974 with the product knowledge of Jack and the highly developed business savvy of Debra. They picked Richmond to invest their lives in and provided a living for hundreds of in the community, thereby, allowing them to raise families throughout the years. The Edelman family invested in Richmond's quality of life by supporting the arts and many organizations with their time, talent, and treasure. And, in 1984 they lost that which they held most dear, their Son, Israel David Edelman in a tragic fire in a fraternity house in Bloomington, Indiana, where he was attending college. The dedication of this facility to Israel David Edelman is a celebration of his life and a tribute to this great family. As a result of this facility, Richmond’s First Responders, through experience, training and knowledge will continue to give our citizens the best chance possible to return to their lives at the end of the each day.
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