Senior Recreation Center

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The Richmond Senior Recreation Center is located at 1600 South 2nd St.

7:30 am - 4 pm Monday - Friday

$25/year to those 50 and better

Link to Senior Center Facebook page.
Follow the Senior Recreation Center on Facebook.

The Richmond Senior Recreation Center is located at 1600 South 2nd St.

7:30 am - 4 pm Monday - Friday

$25/year to those 50 and better

Link to Senior Center Facebook page.
Follow the Senior Recreation Center on Facebook.

What We Offer


  • Advanced pencil drawing
  • Basketball
  • Bingo
  • Billards Room
  • Blood pressure testing
  • Book Club
  • Bridge, Canasta, Euchre
  • Chair volleyball
  • Crafts, Woodcarving, Card Art
  • Dulcimer musical group
  • Exercise: Tai Chi, Yoga, Chair Yoga, Fitness to a Beat Drumming Class
  • Strong and Steady Stretch and Balance, Get Moving Mondays low impact
  • Fitness room, Walking, Chair Exercises
  • Informational/educational programs
  • BluePrint for Health Programs
  • Purdue Master Gardeners Growing Green Programs
  • Knitting & Crochet
  • Library/Media room
  • Line Dancing, including beginning
  • Pickle Ball-indoor & outdoor
  • Scheduled events, Volunteering opportunities, Community Field trips
  • Senior Activity meeting with programs
  • Senior Health Insurance Counselor Visits
  • Senior Sewing


LifeStream Senior Café: This nutrition site located at the Center serves meals served Monday – Friday at 11:30 am. Reservations need to be made as early as possible as the food is not delivered daily. Call 983-7350 for more information. Suggested donations for the meals are $2.50 for those 60 and over. Under 60 is $6.00. Anyone is eligible for these meals.

R.O.S.E. (Richmond’s Own Society of Embroiders): The R.O.S.E. meets at the Center on the last Tuesday of the month at 9:30 am. until 2:00 pm. All levels or skill are welcome.

Widowed Person Service

Widowed Person Service (WPS) provides one-on-one support for all widowed persons. Volunteers are trained to help support newly bereaved persons. Regularly scheduled support groups are available as well as fellowship meals, educational and volunteer opportunities. There is no cost or membership fee, however we gratefully accept free will donations and memorial contributions.

Mission Statement
To facilitate adjustments for all widowed persons by providing on-going peer support groups, educational and self-help groups, social activities, and other appropriate services. To provide trained volunteers who have been widowed to contact the newly bereaved, to share one-to-one mutual experiences, emphasizing how to survive and heal after the death of a spouse.

To use the resources of local public agencies and educational media to call attention to the needs of those widowed, and services available to them through Widowed Persons Service.

We Can Help – Call Us: Our staff and volunteers will be happy to work with you! Call us at 765-983-7307

WPS Activities & Services
  • WPS events during the year for the purpose of enjoyment and fellowship. For more information please call the office at 983-7307 or check the WPS Newsletter.
  • We are concerned that you do not feel alone. You are welcome at our activities. Plan to join us.
  • The WPS office has a lending library of books available for you to borrow. Books about being widowed and coping with grief. Some have found our “Cooking For One” to be helpful.
  • Monthly Newsletter: Each month our ever expanding newsletter goes out to over 850 area widowed people. It lists our activities. The newsletter also contains short articles, insights of inspiration and words of encouragement. There is no charge for the WPS newsletter, it is FREE.

A Brief History of Widowed Persons Service
Several years ago, the National AARP decided to sponsor an organization called the Widowed Persons Service. Widowhood is an issue that affects anyone who loses a spouse. Adult children may be concerned about an older parent who is left alone. Richmond city officials, religious leaders and community supporters were interested in forming a local WPS program. The WPS concept was having widowed people helping other widowed people.

Mildred Young (later Mildred Stombaugh) was selected as the first coordinator in 1977 and worked out of her home. A Board of Directors was selected, and volunteers were to run the program. Support groups were formed, and volunteers were trained. Our WPS is the second oldest in the United States. Many widowed persona in our area have been touched by the local WPS programs. An average of thirty people are widowed locally each month.

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