
Mary Scott Community Orchard: Official Dedication


May 25, 2021 10:00 AM


Mary Scott Park, 105 NW 8th Street

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Celebrate the opening of the Mary Scott Community Orchard

It's finally time to celebrate the opening of the Mary Scott Community Orchard!

Woodblock Press, in cooperation with the Richmond Parks Department and many other community partners, has installed a new community orchard through a Patronicity crowdfunding campaign and a funding match from the Indiana Housing and Community Development Authority (IHCDA). Once it matures, this orchard will provide free apples and berries for anyone in the community, create an outdoor learning laboratory for area youth, benefit the local ecosystem by providing habitat for native pollinators, and provide an inviting pastoral space for community members to enjoy.

Help us celebrate this exciting addition to the Richmond Parks system at the official dedication ceremony on May 25th at 4pm!

See you there!

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