
City Works to Acquire Former French Laundry Site

November 12, 2019

After nearly a decade of pursuit, the City of Richmond is in the process of acquiring the former French Laundry site located on the north east side of the Historic Depot District at 1002 North E Street (Parcel# 8916333101110000030).

In today’s Redevelopment Commission meeting, Beth Fields, Director of Infrastructure and Development, requested the necessary $25,000 in funding to purchase the property. With their approval, the City will be able to move forward with acquisition and development. Current plans include demolition of the current building and then conversion of the site into a parking lot. The parking lot will have 48 parking spaces, 2 handicapped parking spaces and 8 bicycle racks. Weather permitting, the lot is anticipated to be ready by mid-summer 2020.

In speaking about the negotiations and the process, Mayor Dave Snow has this to say: “We are extremely grateful to Mr. French for his continued diligence and investment in remediating this site. His dedication to this project and our negotiations has enabled us to finally take this important step forward.”

Click to download a pdf of press release.

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